Free summer basketball camp for 14-18-year-old kids from The Hellenic Initiative – THI

Are you 14-18 years old? Put on your shoes, and your smile to come enjoy the summer at the “THI Summer Youth Academy”! The program includes two 15-day periods (Monday – Friday 09:00-17:00) full of basketball, games, soft skill workshops, theatrical play, dance, and meeting mentors, and role models who will inspire you while visiting unique sites like the Olympic Museum.

During the days of the camp, each kid will also have a free nutritious snack and meal.

The THI Summer Youth Academy will be hosted at the premises of Leoneios School of Athens in Patisia (Neigy 17, 111 43) from July 1 to 26, 2024.

To participate, you don’t need any fee, just a smile and a registration. Applications close on May 19, 2024. Go to to learn more and submit your application now!

The THI Summer Youth Academy program is implemented for the first time in Greece by The Hellenic Initiative – THI in collaboration with the Eurohoops organization. The purpose of the program is to bring together more than 100 young children who want to develop themselves and have fun through basketball. Applicants must be between ages 14-18 and participation priority will be given to those who need it the most, thus offering them a unique life experience, which will help them on and off the court.