Frequently Asked Questions

What is the THI Summer Youth Academy?

The THI Summer Youth Academy is an academy that offers education, entertainment, and development programs for teenagers aged between 14 and 18, with a primary focus on basketball.

Do I need to have my own clothes to participate in the THI Summer Youth Academy?

No, you don’t need to have your own clothes to participate in the THI Summer Youth Academy. Training clothing (T-shirts and shorts) will be provided for the academy’s activities. Additionally, snacks and lunch will be provided daily for participants.

What is the duration of the academy and when will it take place?

The academy will last a total of four weeks and will be held in July. It will be divided into two periods: Period A: July 1-12 and Period B: July 15-26.

How can I enroll in the academy?

To enroll in the THI Summer Youth Academy you can either fill out the registration form which is available on our website and follow the submission instructions, or download the application in PDF form which you can find here, fill it out, and send it to [email protected].

Is there a participation fee for the THI Summer Youth Academy?

No, participation in the THI Summer Youth Academy is completely free for the selected participants.

Is there overnight stay at the THI Summer Youth Academy?

The THI Summer Youth Academy does not include overnight stay. The operating hours of the academy are from 09:00 to 17:00 on weekdays, Monday to Friday.

Is participation in the THI Summer Youth Academy open to anyone who applies?

THI Summer Youth Academy aim is to provide access to basketball and educational opportunities to those that need them most. Candidates facing socio economic difficulties will be enrolled to the Academy with priority. If candidates exceed the available places the Academy will evaluate their socio-economic profile based on their applications and certificates provided and will qualify those of them that need it most.  in relation e not automatic for all applicants. Selection of participants is based on specific criteria outlined in the terms and condition of participation terms and condition of participation.

Where will be the camp facility for THI Summer Youth Academy?

The THI Summer Youth Academy will be held at the indoor facilities of the Leonteios School of Athens at Patissia, easily accessible by all means of transport.

How is transportation arranged to the facilities of the THI Summer Youth Academy?

The academy does not provide transportation to the training sessions at the Leonteios School of Athens facility. However, transportation will be provided for scheduled activities like the educational excursions held outside of it.

Is it possible to participate in both periods of the THI Summer Youth Academy?

Each candidate can participate in one of the two periods of the THI Summer Youth Academy.

What ages are allowed to participate in the THI Summer Youth Academy?

Teenagers aged 14 to 18 can participate in The THI Summer Youth Academy.

Is the participation of girls allowed in the THI Summer Youth Academy?

Yes, of course! The participation of girls is fully allowed in the THI Summer Youth Academy. The academy accepts participants from both genders, as it provides an opportunity for education, development, and fun regardless of gender.

Do I need to have basketball knowledge to participate?

Prior experience in basketball is not required to participate in the THI Summer Youth Academy. The academy offers a variety of activities and programs to various interests and skills, regardless of whether you are familiar with basketball or not.

How can I help the THI Summer Youth Academy?

Volunteer: You can offer your time and skills as a volunteer to help organize and operate the academy. Please submit your interest here.

Donations: You can make donations to support the funding of the academy’s activities and help cover operational expenses. Please submit your interest here.

Speaker: You can offer your knowledge and experience to young participants as a mentor, helping them develop their skills and achieve their goals. Please submit your interest here.

Get Involved


Registration period for July 2024 has been ended. If you need any information please contact the Academy