Σχετικά με Εμάς

The Hellenic Initiative (THI)
Το The Hellenic Initiative – ΤΗΙ ιδρύθηκε το 2012 και είναι ένας παγκόσμιος μη κερδοσκοπικός οργανισμός που φέρνει κοντά Έλληνες της Διασποράς και Φιλέλληνες με στόχο να επενδύσουν στην Ελλάδα μέσω προγραμμάτων που επικεντρώνονται στην οικονομική ανάπτυξη και ανακούφιση από την κρίση. Από την ίδρυση του μέχρι και σήμερα, το THI έχει επενδύσει περισσότερα από 22 εκατομμύρια δολάρια στην Ελλάδα, καθιστώντας το THI ως τον μεγαλύτερο οργανισμό Ελλήνων της Διασποράς.
Η πολύπλευρη προσέγγιση του THI για την υποστήριξη της Ελλάδας περιλαμβάνει τη χρηματοδότηση καινοτόμων νεοφυών επιχειρήσεων και μικρών επιχειρήσεων, τη δημιουργία θέσεων εργασίας, καθώς και την παροχή άμεσης βοήθειας σε όσους πλήττονται από οικονομικές δυσκολίες και φυσικές καταστροφές. Μέσω αυτών των δράσεων το ΤΗΙ δεν στοχεύει μόνο στην αντιμετώπιση άμεσων αναγκών, αλλά και στη δημιουργία βάσεων για μακροπρόθεσμη ευημερία και ανθεκτικότητα στην Ελλάδα. Αξιοποιώντας τη δικτύωση, την τεχνογνωσία και τους πόρους της ελληνικής ομογένειας, το THI έχει καταστεί ένας καθοριστικός παράγοντας στη προσπάθεια της Ελλάδας να ανακάμψει, εμπνέοντας ελπίδα και αλληλεγγύη εντός και εκτός της χώρας.
Βρείτε περισσότερες πληροφορίες εδώ.

Implementation Partner:
Eurohoops Organization
Αποστολή του Eurohoops είναι να διαδώσει το πάθος για το μπάσκετ και τον υγιή αθλητισμό, μέσω ενός πλέγματος online και offline δραστηριοτήτων. Το Eurohoops διδάσκει το άθλημα και τις υψηλές αξίες του στα παιδιά, διαπλάθοντας τη νέα γενιά σε σύγχρονους και ασφαλείς αθλητικούς χώρους. Σχεδιάζει και υλοποιεί προγράμματα κοινωνικής ευαισθητοποίησης και events υψηλού επιπέδου.
Με όχημα το eurohoops.net, το μεγαλύτερο μπασκετικό ειδησεογραφικό website στην Ευρώπη, που λειτουργεί σε 5 εκδόσεις: αγγλική, ελληνική, ισπανική, ρωσική και τουρκική, συμβάλλει μέσω της δεοντολογίας του στην καλλιέργεια υγιών φιλάθλων και τοποθετεί το μπάσκετ στο επίκεντρο του ενδιαφέροντος.
Ο oργανισμός Eurohoops περιλαμβάνει την Eurohoops Academy. Η Ακαδημία, που φέρει την υπογραφή του θρύλου του ευρωπαϊκού μπάσκετ Θοδωρή Παπαλουκά, φιλοξενείται στο Eurohoops Dome, ένα γήπεδο-υπόδειγμα, εξοπλισμένο με βάση τις τελευταίες εξελίξεις στους τομείς της τεχνολογίας και της ασφάλειας. Πρόκειται για ένα μπασκετικό κέντρο με premium ανέσεις για τους λάτρεις του αθλήματος. Επιπλέον το Eurohoops έχει τη διαχείριση των μπασκετικών εγκαταστάσεων της ιστορικής Λεοντείου Σχολής Αθηνών, στα Άνω Πατήσια.
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες: https://organization.eurohoops.net/el/
Μήνυμα Εκτελεστικής Επιτροπής του THI Summer Youth Academy
Αγαπητές φίλες, αγαπητοί φίλοι του The Hellenic Initiative – THI,
Με ιδιαίτερη υπερηφάνεια και ενθουσιασμό σας καλωσορίζουμε στην επίσημη ιστοσελίδα του “THI Summer Youth Academy”.
Όλοι εμείς στο Δ.Σ. του The Hellenic Initiative, οι φίλοι και οι υποστηρικτές μας από όλη την ελληνική Διασπορά και η Οργανωτική Επιτροπή (Host Committee) του THI Summer Youth Academy, είμαστε ενθουσιασμένοι στην ανακοίνωση της έναρξης της πρώτης Ακαδημίας, η οποία θα λάβει χώρα αυτόν τον Ιούλιο στην Αθήνα. Το συγκεκριμένο πρόγραμμα αποτελεί ένα σημαντικό ορόσημο στη δέσμευση μας για ενδυνάμωση των νέων μέσω της δύναμης του αθλητισμού.
Είναι τιμή μας να έχουμε τον Ted Leonsis, έναν αναγνωρισμένο επαγγελματία στο χώρο του αθλητισμού στις ΗΠΑ, ως Επίτιμο Πρόεδρο της φετινής Ακαδημίας. Η αφοσίωση του στην ενδυνάμωση των νέων και το πάθος του για τον αθλητισμό, εμπλουτίζουν το πρόγραμμά μας με ανεκτίμητη γνώση και εμπειρία.
Σε συνεργασία με το Eurohoops, τον μεγαλύτερο οργανισμό μπάσκετ στην Ελλάδα, ξεκινάμε μια διαδρομή με στόχο να δημιουργήσουμε ένα υποστηρικτικό περιβάλλον όπου κάθε συμμετέχοντας θα έχει την ευκαιρία να ευδοκιμήσει εντός και εκτός γηπέδου.
Σας προσκαλούμε να υποστηρίξετε την προσπάθειά, αλλά κυρίως σας ενθαρρύνουμε να επισκεφθείτε την Ακαδημία και να βιώσετε και οι ίδιοι πως το πρόγραμμα που έχουμε δημιουργήσει μπορεί να διδάξει σημαντικά μαθήματα ζωής.
Όλοι μαζί μπορούμε να κάνουμε τη διαφορά στη ζωή της ελληνικής νεολαίας η οποία αντιμετωπίζει αντιξοότητες σε σύνθετα και πολλές φορές δύσκολα κοινωνικά περιβάλλοντα.
Με εγκάρδιους χαιρετισμούς,
Η Εκτελεστική Επιτροπή του THI Summer Youth Academy

George P.


Andrew N.

Sir Stelios

The Hellenic Initiative





George P. Stamas
George Stamas cofounded in 2011 The Hellenic Initiative, a worldwide philanthropic organization dedicated to economic development and social welfare in Greece, and has served as President of the Board of Directors since that time. Mr. Stamas is a partner in the international law firm Gibson Dunn, where he focuses on public company and private equity mergers and acquisitions and corporate securities transactions. He also counsels C-level executives and boards of directors on corporate governance matters. Mr. Stamas has received a Band 1 rating by Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business in Corporate/M&A & Private Equity every year since 2004. Chambers USA’s comments have described Mr. Stamas as a “world class deal maker” who is “brilliant in a crisis” and has “a knack for finding middle ground when issues get contentious.” He is also ranked by Chambers Global as a leading attorney in Corporate/M&A. He has been recognized by Who’s Who Legal: M&A and Governance, Lawdragon’s 500 Leading Dealmakers in America, and listed by The Best Lawyers in America for 28 consecutive years. Mr. Stamas also has been honored by The Washington Post and he has been profiled by Crain’s New York as one of New York’s 200 most well-connected business people. Earlier in his career, Mr. Stamas was named by The American Lawyer as one of the leading 45 lawyers in America under the age of 45. Prior to joining Gibson Dunn, Mr. Stamas was a senior partner with Kirkland & Ellis. Mr. Stamas previously served as Vice Chair of the Board of Deutsche Banc Alex Brown, Inc.; as a founding board member of FTI Consulting (NYSE); as a venture partner of international venture capital firm New Enterprise Associates; and as a member of numerous public and private corporate boards. He is an executive board member of the New York private equity firm MidOcean Partners. Mr. Stamas is a partner of Monumental Partners, which controls the Washington Capitals and Washington Wizards; an investor and a member of the board of aXiomatic, a leading eSports platform that controls Team Liquid; and a partner of the Baltimore Orioles. Mr. Stamas is also on the National Advisory Council of Youth Inc. (Recipient of the 2018 John C. Whitehead Leadership Award), and has previously served on numerous philanthropic and cultural boards, including The Shakespeare Theatre Company. He is a a member of The Council on Foreign Relations, and a director of Paris based Soparexo s.a., the parent corporation of Chateau Margaux.

Ted Leonsis
Ted Leonsis is founder, chairman, majority shareholder and CEO of Monumental Sports & Entertainment, which owns the NHL’s 2018 Stanley Cup champion Washington Capitals, NBA’s Washington Wizards, WNBA’s Washington Mystics, AFL’s 2018 Arena Bowl Champion Washington Valor and Baltimore Brigade, the NBA G League’s Capital City Go-Go and the NBA2K League’s Wizards District Gaming. Leonsis is a co-owner of aXiomatic, which has controlling interest in global esports franchise Team Liquid. Monumental also owns the 20,000-seat Capital One Arena and operates MedStar Capitals Iceplex, the Capitals’ training facility, and George Mason University’s EagleBank Arena. An integrated media, technology, sports and entertainment company, Monumental also runs Monumental Sports Network, a first-of-its-kind regional sports network for digital, mobile and over-the-top platforms. In addition, Leonsis is co-founder and a partner at Revolution Growth, a $1 billion set of investment funds via which he and his partners make a select group of speed-up capital investments in businesses each year. He sits on a variety of boards, including American Express and Groupon, and is the former vice chairman and president of AOL.

Andrew N. Liveris
Andrew Liveris AO is the former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Dow Chemical Company and former Executive Chairman of DowDuPont. A recognised global business leader with more than 42 years at Dow and experience in manufacturing, engineering, sales, marketing, and business and general management.
Andrew advocates the criticality of manufacturing worldwide. He is the author of ‘Make It in America’ and was tapped by the current U.S. Administration to help identify new ways to spur innovation, revitalize the U.S. manufacturing sector and drive economic growth and prosperity as chair of the manufacturing council and a member of the apprenticeship of the future task force. Previously he served as Co-Chair of U.S. President Obama’s Advanced Manufacturing Partnership steering committee and a member of the U.S. President’s Export Council.
Andrew is the Special Advisor to the Australian National COVID-19 Co-ordination Commission and Chair of the Manufacturing Taskforce. He was recently appointed as Co-Chair of the Territory Economic Reconstruction Commission, advising on how to accelerate the Territory’s economic rebound and growth. He is an Independent Member of the Australian government’s Industry Growth Centres Advisory Committee providing advice on the Industry Growth Centres initiative.
Andrew is a director at IBM, Saudi Aramco, Worley (Deputy Chairman), Lucid Motors (Chairman), NOVONIX and the Minderoo Foundation. He is on the advisory board of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Teneo (a global CEO consulting and advisory firm), and NEOM (an initiative driven by Saudi Vision 2030). He is Chairman of the Blackrock Long Term Capital and a special advisor to the Public Investment Fund (PIF) and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. Andrew serves as a trustee for the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and is a member of the Concordia Leadership Council.
In 2018 the Andrew N Liveris Academy for Innovation and Leadership was established at the University of Queensland for students to garner a real-life understanding of global challenges and how to create positive change for society.

Achilles Constantakopoulos
Achilles Constantakopoulos is a graduate of Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne. Since 1997 he has been leading TEMES S.A., developers of Costa Navarino, where he currently holds the position of Chairman. He is also the Chairman of IONIAN HOTEL ENTERPRISES S.A., owner of the Hilton Athens hotel. He is a member of the Board of Directors of AEGEAN AIRLINES S.A., CHIPITA S.A. and SETE (Greek Tourism Confederation). Mr. Constantakopoulos is President of the Captain Vassilis & Carmen Konstantakopoulos Foundation.

Sir Stelios Haji‐Ioannou
Sir Stelios is best known for creating the easy family of brands beginning with easyJet in 1994 when he was just 27 years old. Six years later he floated the airline on the www.londonstockexchange.com in order to fund the airline’s growth however he and his family remain the largest shareholders holding around 15% of the shares.
The stock market currently values easyJet PLC at about £3.1 billion. When the COVID pandemic struck the airline was carrying about 100 million passengers per year and numbers were substantially reduced but are now recovering.
Sir Stelios, was born in Athens, Greece on February 14, 1967, the son of the late Loucas Haji‐Ioannou, a self‐ made Greek‐Cypriot shipping magnate. Stelios started his business career working for his father at Troodos Shipping in Piraeus, Greece until aged 25 when he founded his own shipping firm, Stelmar tankers with financial help from his father. Stelmar floated on the NYSE.com in 2001 and was sold to a competitor in 2005 for about US$1.3bn.
In 2006, at the age of 39, Stelios received a knighthood from HM Queen Elizabeth II. Since 2009 he has been the Honorary General Consul for the Republic of Cyprus in the Principality of Monaco – where he lives. He graduated from the www.doukas.gr High School in Athens in 1984, the London School of Economics (lse.ac.uk) in 1987 and in 1988 obtained a MSc from the City University (www.cass.city.ac.uk). All three academic institutions currently benefit from Stelios Philanthropic Foundation donations via scholarships – the individual recipients are known as Stelios Scholars! These number more than 260 to date. Since 2018 he has acted as Chair of the enterprise fellows of the Prince’s Trust in the UK, a charity set up by HRH The Prince of Wales. In 2016 he founded the www.Gustaviayachtclub.org where he is Commodore.

Nikos Koumettis
Nikos Koumettis is the President of the Europe Operating Unit at The Coca-Cola Company where he oversees 40 countries.
Nikos joined Coca-Cola in 2001 as General Manager for Greece and Cyprus, and since then, has built a wealth of experience in several international roles, including President of the Adriatic and the Balkans, President of Southeast Europe, President of the Canada Business Unit and President of Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA).
He began his career in Marketing and Sales, working for Kraft Jacobs Suchard, Elgeka and Papastratos / Phillip Morris.
Nikos is a member of the Board of Directors of Canada Goose International as well as a trustee of the American College in Greece and a Chair of the Board for Société BIC. He holds a Master of Science degree in International Marketing from Strathclyde Business School and a B.Sc. in Business Administration from the American College of Greece.
Nikos is passionate about youth empowerment. He is the co-founder – together with Global Shapers (Athens Hub) – of the social initiative ‘Regeneration’ which aims to strengthen the skills of young people in Greece and place talented graduates in the labor market.
Nikos is a Greek-Cypriot, born in Sudan and raised in Greece. He is married to Sarita Chaim and they have two children, Petros and Felicia. He is an avid skier and sailor.

Nikos Stathopoulos
Nikos is Chairman of Europe and Member of the Management Committee and Investment Committee of BC Partners, the leading international investment firm with Assets Under Management over $40bn. He joined BC Partners in 2005 and brings nearly three decades of experience in private equity across a number of sectors and geographies.
Prior to joining BC Partners, Nikos was a Partner at Apax Partners in London and prior to that worked as a management consultant with the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in London.
Nikos is Chairman of the Board of United Group, Nova, Pet City, Alphabet Education, Cigierre, DentalPro, and Keesing and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Springer Nature and Advanced. He is also a member of the Global Advisory Board and Board of Dean’s Advisors of Harvard Business School, member of the Board of Regents of Boston College, the Board of Trustees of the American School in London, the Board of The Hellenic Initiative, member of the Wall Street Journal CEO Council, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and Chairman of the BC Partners Foundation. Nikos holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a degree in Business Administration from Athens University of Economics & Business (AUEB).
Financial News voted Nikos in the Hall of Fame of Private Equity in 2016 and named him in the 50 most influential investors in Europe in 2023.

Dean Dakolias
Mr. Dakolias is a Managing Partner based in New York of the Fortress Credit Funds Business. Mr. Dakolias also serves on Fortress’s Management and Operating Committees. Prior to joining Fortress in 2001, Mr. Dakolias was a Managing Director, Chief Credit Officer and co-founder of American Commercial Capital LLC (a specialty finance company) and Coronado Advisors (an SEC registered broker dealer), both of which were sold to Wells Fargo & Co. in 2001. Mr. Dakolias was previously a director at RER Financial Group (“RER”) where he was responsible for the firm’s acquisition efforts as a principal and as a provider of third party due diligence and asset management. Mr. Dakolias serves on the Board of Trustees for Columbia University, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, and the Millbrook School. Mr. Dakolias is also a co-founder and member of the Executive Committee of The Hellenic Initiative, as well as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Mr. Dakolias received a B.S. in Physics from Columbia University.
Έλα Μαζί Μας
Η περίοδος εγγραφών για τον Ιούλιο 2024 έχει ολοκληρωθεί. Αν χρειάζεστε κάποια πληροφορία παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε με την Ακαδημία.